
In Agile PLM, we all know superadmin account is used to start Weblogic server, this account is authenticated against Agile database. In previous version before 9.3.2, we define the username and its...

You may see this type of error “The Session Has Been Terminated. Please Login Again” from Agile WebClient when you try to login. There are many possible root causes. This blog article discusses one...

You may always have email problem from Agile that users are able to get Inbox mail on Agile UI, but fail to get it through email, it happens randomly, sometime users receive and sometime not. And y...

Agile has a smart rule named “BOM Multi-Level Recursion”. And when we route a Change Order to next status, Agile will check current Change Affected Items’ Recursion status in Audit function. Suppos...

现在很多网站的链接或者按钮提示习惯使用各种丰富多彩的提示方式,气泡式弹出提示框是非常流行的一种方法。比如下图的气泡式提示,一个框上带着一个箭头。本文将一点点地讲述如何使用CSS一步步地产生气泡弹出框的演变过程。 首先我们通过学习border-color, border-style和border-width的属性来了解边框风格。为div定义一个box1的样式,上右下左的边框分别为红色、黄...

在以往的网页设计中,为页面添加类似冬天下雪的动画场景虽然看起来很眩,但工作量很大,需要编写大量的Javascript代码。而使用CSS3,经JQuery简单触发,就能产生同样的效果。 Demo演示 只要点击图片上的圣诞帽子,页面就出下雪。 支持版本 Chrome Firefox Opera Safari IE 10 代码部分 在下雪的场景中,我们为BODY定...

xDoodle是Android原生App,供各个年龄层的小孩发挥想象,任意涂鸦画画,并分享至各类社交应用。 下载 Google Play: 本网下载:/lab/xDoodlePro.1.1.apk 截图

Yesterday I got one strange report that on Agile, adding a Supplier into Item’s Supplier tab will always remove all the data from Item.PageTwo.MultiList01 field which is assigned to a User ...

Previous article describes how to delete the duplicated values from token string in bulk mode. This one extends it and shows the way to delete invalid data. Scenario Support we have page_two and ...

We may always see multiple duplicated values for one attribute on Agile WebClient, which happens sometimes, very often. It is OK to correct them from UI if less objects have such issue. But it is b...