
There is a very common issue which could impact all Agile PLM customers’ integration that Agile SDK fails to create session and hits error “ java.lang.SecurityException: User: e0FFxxxxxxx, failed t...

Since Agile PLM 9.3.2, Agile uses the same algorithms as Weblogic to encrypt some credential with AES. In some cases that we need to reset these credentials or verify if we input the correct passwo...

There is one issue in Agile SDK API that if “General Info.Created From Template” of PPM is referenced in IQuery‘s WHERE clause, SDK client program will show “ORA-01722: invalid number” error. A BUG...

In JavaClient, Admin History records all kinds of administration actions to system for audit. These actions could be Modify Class, Add List, Remove Workflow and more. But in most cases, Admin Histo...

为Weblogic集群中的所有服务器配置节点管理器,原来比较简单,但是过程有些复杂。下面通过一个具体的实例来演示如何配置。实验中我们使用Oracle Agile PLM产品的集群环境来做验证。实验方法可以运用到Weblogic中发布的其他企业系统中去,原理是一模一样的。 假设我们有3台Linux的机器,1台为Admin Server,另外两台分别为Managed Server。具体主机信息...

We all know Agile Quick Search uses Oracle Text to do search based on the object name and description. For BASIC_LEXER, Agile defines several special characters in CONTENT LEXER, making them as nor...

企业应用中经常会需要将业务应用和公司IT内的LDAP做集成,以便使用现成的用户数据。在集成过程中LDAP认证难免会出现错误。这篇文章通过一个案例来分析如何使用第三方的工具对LDAP故障进行诊断。 通常我们可以使用Wireshark(Linux上可以使用TCPDUMP)来收集TCP通信过程中的数据包。比如下图中,可以获得用户信息首先判断用户是否输入了正确的LDAP登录密码。 请求数据包...

Agile supports other kinds of LDAP serve as a Generic LDAP node in system with the customized groovy script to map LDAP Server‘s attributes to Agile‘s. The difficulty of integration for Agile Admin...

Agile shows alert and does not allow to modify List attribute to switch to another List if this attribute is already referenced by below criteria. Admin Criteria Report Criteria Search Crit...

By default, Agile uses the default user superadmin as the administrator user to start Weblogic and logon Admin Console. We also can enable any type of users to start Weblogic or manage it, for exam...